Dragon Ball Legends: Increase Friendship Rank Fast [2022]

Before getting to know what’s the best or the fastest way to increase friendship rank fast in Dragon Ball Legends, let’s just get to know what exactly it is. Basically friendship Rank is a special sort of stat that owns everyone except the Shallot character. The reason why Shallot does not have a friendship rank is that the friendship rank of every player is about their friendship with Shallot. 

If you want to achieve the friendship rank of Rank 1 to some people, you can teach their blue card to Shallot for him to use in the battle. Once you get to rank one of the friendship levels for lots of characters, not all characters. You can teach their friendship rank to Shallot or Charlotte. In the paragraphs below, you’ll be able to understand what exactly Friendship rank is, and how you can get the most reliable and one of the fastest ways to increase the friendship rank in Dragon Ball Legends. 

Why does Shallot not have a Friendship Rank in Dragon Ball Legends? 

Shallot does have any friendship rank that he can level up. He is the one that gets special news from other people. If you increase the friendship rank of other people that are related to their friendship with Shallot, then you can teach Shallot their special means. This pretty much summarizes the friendship rank scenario. It starts with no points and booms up if the character is in your party and fights together with the characteristics mentioned above. You can go higher and higher and achieve maximum rank after reaching several stages before just finalizing. 

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The fastest way to increase friendship Rank in DB Legends

For increasing the friendship rank first you have to make sure that you have part two unlocked. If so, you then have to go to part 2, once open it go further on Book 1 and chapter 9. It’s probably one of the fastest ways to increase the friendship rank. You have to fight against the Cybermen and then freeze soldiers. In this way, you can get three characters that you want to work on to get the rank-up start battle. 

Earn 300 Friendship Rank Points

Normally you can get 300 friendship rank points per run but adopting this way you want effortlessly get almost 900 points without paying for anything or doing something hard. There are a couple more quests in the same chapter of the same book that offer 900 points instead of ordinary 300 points per run. As long as you move to at least 1 to 9, you’ll always get 900 points per run but for the most part, you usually get the amount of 300 points. 

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You can intuitively boost your friendship rank in plenty of battles such as normal stories, but it’s pretty masochistic or malice. All you need to do is to select the characters except shallot and let him participate in ‘Do it with Aura’ every day. In general, we have to raise it by participating in the mentioned battle which must be cleared for daily missions daily. 

Extensive training is enough to raise the level so you can use ‘Do it with Ora’ to raise the friendship rank. You have to keep in mind that the friendship rank does not increase by two, even if you participate in Battle 1 or any of ‘Do it with Ora’. You have to wait and watch while steadily enhancing digesting daily missions every day. 

Another way to increase Friendship Rank fast in DBL

You should also get to know that you can constantly fight against SSJ3 Goku using the Story mission in book one and chapter 8 in Part 6. This fight is pretty easy and you will get Rising Souls, Pizzas, Super Souls, and much else without doing much. This process is truly rewarding and should not last long. You will be able to catch 1080 points for all these characters. 

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It is by far an authentic and effective way to ground your characters out of the utmost level that you want to achieve. You can even replay these levels multiple times until you have maxed out a hero’s level of friendship. I also suggest that you have to include those characters in your party if you want to raise the friendship rank with them. That’s all that you should do if you are looking for increasing friendship rank in DBL fast.

Basics regarding the Process of Friendship Rank

As you all know, Dragon Ball Legends has loads and loads of cool features and functionalities including strategic turn-based combat, PVP mode, and some other fun and exclusive features. One of these includes a friendship level that works like crazy. This stunning functionality makes combat even more diverse while delivering tons of new abilities for you to use in the game further. 

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Through this functionality, you can get to know as well as acquire some new skills from the most popular characters available in the Dragon Ball Legends. You control a new Saiyan created especially for the story mode of the game. This matters when the combat is concerned since you have a diverse range of attack modes to choose from. All of this comes to life if you have a reasonable level of friendship with the hero you want to acquire abilities from. You should keep in mind that being good friends with Goku means you can perform Kamehameha. 


The main motive that you should concern about it is to rack up the friendship points to allow that friendship meter to go higher and higher. You can earn these while having gigantic fighting against characters you want to become allies in the story mode. Friendship rank in Dragon Ball Legends is indeed an exciting state of the evolving shallot and helps you increase your profile intuitively. It is not necessary to teach the shallow’s new abilities and moves, a fighter that you can customize to fill the gaps in your squad. 

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