One Piece Treasure Cruise x Dragonball Z Dokkan Battle: Crossover

For the fans of anime franchises “Dragon Ball Z” and “One Piece Treasure Cruise”, an ultimate crossover event was announced towards the end of 2016. It was an ultimate battle fought between the best characters of “Dragon Ball Z” and “One Piece Treasure Cruise”.

One Piece Treasure Cruise:

“One Piece Treasure Cruise” is an adventure role-playing game that contains characters from the popular One Piece universe and challenges players to assemble the strongest crew, defeat adversaries, and accomplish objectives based on fan-favorite One Piece stories.

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Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle:

“Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle” is an action-based free-to-play anime game. The game is based on the famous anime franchise “Dragon Ball Z”. The game brings the famous Dragon Ball Z saga to mobile platforms with beloved characters, action-packed battles, and board game-like gameplay.

It is quite obvious that both games are not designed with some great skill. The only reason for their success is that both games are based on famous anime series.

The fact that both games are entertaining and contain a substantial story is just icing on the cake.

Bandai Namco, on the other hand, found a way to make our imaginary cake even better by combining the two games in a crossover event that took place till November 24, 2016. It was being dubbed as the “Ultimate Crossover” without any exaggeration. Maybe a teeny-tiny bit.

It was a unique situation that players from both games appeared across the board in both games.

The Crossover Battle:

In the ultimate crossover event, two characters appeared as bosses. One was “The Freezer” based on the series Dragon Ball Z. The other one was from “One Piece Treasure Cruise”, “Doflamingo” taken from the series of One Piece and it appeared in the “Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle”.

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During the campaign, the player that defeated the bosses multiple times in both games’ special stages was tallied according to a point system and the results were released on a dedicated website. Individual players from all over the world are invited to participate. The points collected can be used to gain fantastic gifts.


Just after logging in during the Ultimate Crossover, One Piece Treasure Cruise players received a special four-star jumpsuit. D. Luffy Gum-Gum Gatling Gun, wearing a rainbow jewel every day. In Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, it was the special character Super Saiyan Goku who was the reward character and was given an additional dragon stone to play with daily.

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On top of that, there were great rewards that could have been earned by fighting the crossover bosses in an event that ran through November 2. Every player in both games had the opportunity to take down Frieza and Doflamingo to earn points toward a running overall total, unlocking nine different tiers of rewards for players in both games. Players could track the progress everyone was making on the Ultimate Crossover website.

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The more players participated in the campaign, the more they contributed towards the 9-stage reward program. In it, each stage had a certain number of points, with which great rewards were unlocked for all the players who had registered during the campaign. When the 9th level of the rewards was reached, the highest difficulty level was unlocked for the special level. There were numerous awards including rainbow gems for “One Piece Treasure Cruise” and dragon stones for “Dragon Ball Z Dokkan battle, plus nine characters for both games. To get the rewards, players must have earned points and the points targets in Dragon Ball Z Battle Dokkan and each One Piece Treasure Cruise.

The best thing about the event was that if the player had not played either of the games, both games were free to download.

Quests of Crossover:

In the ultimate crossover, there were special quests designed for both games. Some of the quests for both games are mentioned separately.

For One Piece Treasure Cruise:

  • A unique stage with level three difficulty appeared on the extra island.
  • A final form of the boss “Freezer” from the Dragon Ball Z series appeared.
  • A special competition reward was also placed. It was rainbow gems and a special description of a character.

For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:

  • A unique stage with level three difficulty appeared on a special event.
  • A final form of the boss “Doflamingo” from the One Piece series appeared.
  • Dragon stones were placed as the special competition reward.

Some Ultimate Battles:

The crossover witnessed some great battles. As we all know that the battles between bosses have always been eye-catching. 

A boss fight storyline featuring Luffy vs. Frieza and Goku vs. Doflamingo was made available during a special crossover event. The collaboration was for players who love both “Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle” and “One Piece Treasure Cruise”. With the crossover, you would only have found the characters “One Piece” and “Dragon Ball Z” on a battlefield.

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Even after “Crossover: Special Events,” the stages for the “One Piece” and “Dragon Ball Z” crossover will be available.

There was a special event set for every different stage of the crossover.

The One Piece Treasure Cruise Ultimate Crossover (Dokkan Battle) was held between October 23 to November 24, 2016.

Some other crossover events were also planned and held in the past and some of them were hits and some were flops.

You can also share your thoughts with us if you played the crossover event and want to review that.


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